To order, send $12 for CDs and 3 CDs for $30 (or cassettes are reduced from $12 each to $2 each and 4 tapes for $6) plus $3 per order to cover postage and handling.

Relaxation Journey
Rejuvenate yourself through deep relaxation and achieve states of peace.

Healing the Inner Child
Regain the joy and freedom of childhood as you give love and understanding to your inner child.

Healing and Empowerment For Women
Discover the power and freedom of womanhood and apply this strength to make wise choices.

Healing Childhood Trauma
Re-visit your childhood as you release and heal the pain of the past.

Healing Pain and Illness
Allow yourself precious moments of healing time. Connect with the healing power of nature and the wisdom within you.
Please Note: These tapes are not psychotherapy. They are best used in conjunction with the therapeutic process which they are designed to reinforce and assist.
DO NOT PLAY THESE TAPES WHILE DRIVING or engaging in an activity requiring attention.